Sunday, January 10, 2010

Adventures in the canopy

Adventures in the canopy

So this weekend was our first big excursion with the group. There are 3 other girls here with the program now, Christi, Adrienne, and Katie. They're all really nice and we get along well - Katie's the only one who's staying until the end of the semester; the other two are going back this coming Saturday.

We started off with a 3 hour car trip to the volcano, which consisted of some really winding and reeeeally sketch roads. But we made it there OK, and started off with a hike down to the waterfall. That wouldn't have been so bad, if it weren't for the stairs of DEATH. It was like a half hour hike down the side of the mountain, over some very steep, broken, uneven stairs. And a rock scramble where the stairs had degraded. So that was horrible, as was the hike back up - but the waterfall itself was very pretty. Janiva (the program director) and the other three went swimming in the waterfall pool, but I declined because it was extremely frigid. We hung out there for maybe 40 minutes or so, and then started the loonnnngggg hike back up. We went back to the hotel and napped for a little bit, then went to the hot springs which were the best thing EVAR. You guys know how cold I always picture me sitting in 115 degree water for two hours. Bliss.

The day wasn't perfect because I was a little sick - I think it was from eating so much on friday. Janiva had taken me and Katie into the city and around to a bunch of markets. We tried a bunch of fresh fruit, and a bunch of food from a cafe. Then we had the cooking class in the afternoon, so I think my system wa a bit upset. But the hot springs helped, and I felt a LOT better today.

We started off the day with bungee jumping.....just Christi and I did it, and omg. Terrifying, especially those first five seconds where you step off the platform. But I only hesitated for like......five seconds or so, which wasn't bad!!! Though they LIED. There was this deep pool of water at the bottom, n case the cord snaps I guess. And they give you the option to have just your hands skim the water or have your whole upper body dunked in. I asked to just skim the water, and it's not hard to guess what happened......sonofabitch. Hahahah. But the jump itself was very exhilarating, and I would probably do it again. So brittany keyes, we're even now, and the stakes must be raised!!

In the afternoon we had ziplining, which was of course fun as always. There were a lot of lines, and in the middle we had the tarzan swing - basically, you're up on a platform maybe 20ft or so above the ground, and jump off - the rope takes up the slack, and you swing really high up. Again, SCARY but awesome.

So that's basically been it so far - I start classes tomorrow, which will be interesting because I'll be completely lost for the first few days. But it'll be nice to have something to do, and Janiva is looking for a barn for me to volunteer at. Hopefully she finds something because if not, I'll go nuts!! I think that's the hardest part so far - not having anything to do during the day. I think my host mother doesn't like so much when I go out at night, because in that indirect-tico-way she keeps saying how nice it is to have people over, how she and everyone like to stay in and watch movies, etc etc. And I understand where she's coming from, since I am her responsibility for the next couple of months. But I'm still planning on going out on occasion, and hopefully will continue to have a great time here. I still miss everyone, so leave me lots of comments either here or on fbook!!




Aventuras en el canopy!

Este fin de semana fue nuestra primera excursión grande con todas las personas en nuestro grupo. Hey 3 muchachas más en el programa, Christie, Adrienne, y Katie. Todas son amables y me caen bien - Katie es la única que queda durante el semestre entero, y las otras van a regresar el sábado.

Empezamos con un viaje de 3 horas por carro para el volcán, que consiste en unos calles muy estrechos y sinuosos. Pero llegamos bien, y empezamos con un camiono para la catarata. No habría estado tan mal si no fuera por las escaleras fatales. Fue como media hora en bajar la montaña, por las escaleras muy empinados y rotos. Y también una subida por unas rocas donde habían caido las escaleras. Así que fue horrible, como el subir de nuevo para la entrada - pero la catarata fue muy linda. Janiva, nuestra directora, y las otras nadaron sobre la catarata, pero yo, no - fue demasiado frio. Nos quedamos allí por mas o menos 40 minutos, y entonces empezamos el viaje para la entrada. Fuimos al hotel y descnsamos un poco, y entonces fuimos a las manantiales termales (hot springs) que fueron lo mejor del mundo. Saben cuanto frío que siempre tengo......y ve que estoy en agua de 115 grados F. Pura dicha.

El día no era perfecto porque me puse un poco enfermo - creo que era por comer tanto el viernes. Janiva nos llevó al mercado, y probamos mucha comida nueva, y también un clase de cocinar en el tarde. Pero ahora estoy mucho mejor.

El domingo, empezamos con bungee......solo Christie y yo lo hicimos, y dios mío. Muy aterrador, especialmente los primeros 5 segundos cuando sale de la plataforma. Pero solo vacilé por como 5 segundos, que no fue muy mal! Aunque me mentieron! Hubo una piscina, en caso de que no funcione el bungee. Y tiene la opción de poner solo sus manos o su cuerpo hasta su cinturón bajo del agua. Elegí solo mis manos, y adivina que.....puta madre. Pero el tirar fue muy emocionante, y probablemente lo haría otra vez.

En el tarde tuvimos la tirolina (zipline) en que viajamos por el canopy - fue muy divertido, como siempre. Hubo muchas cuerdas, y después de ocho tuvimos el 'tarzan swing'. Muy temeroso, pero divertido.

Basicamente es todo - empiezo las clases mañana, que será interesante porque voy a estar perdida por unas días. Pero me gustaría tener algo que hacer, y Janiva busca un establo en que puedo trabajar. Creo que es lo más difícil - a no tener nada que hacer durante los días.

No voy a tracudir lo que queda porque estoy perezosa.....pero extraño a todos, y déjame comentarios aquí o en facebook!



1 comment:

  1. Hot springs??? Where were the hot springs when I was there????
